Sunday, January 13, 2013

Human Resource Development Cour...

Academic Calender

Posted by EQ On 10:08 AM No comments
Academic Calen...

Research and Publication

Posted by EQ On 10:03 AM No comments
Research and Publication...
University of Yangon Fundraising Campa...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mawlamyaing Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 5:08 PM
Welcome to Technological University (Mawlamyaing)      Mawlamyine (or Moulmein )is the capital of the Mon State in the Union of Myanmar. It is also the third largest city in the country, after Yangon and Mandalay. It has a population of about 240,000.    Mawlamyine is an ancient Mon town. Mawlamyine is now being transformed into a modern city...

Sittwe Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 5:06 PM
Welcome to Technological University (Sittwe)        Technological University (Sittwe) is located in Sittwe District, Rakhine State, Myanmar for learning advanced engineering techniques to youths in their respective regions  to construct a peaceful modern developed nation. It was formerly opened as Government Technical College...

Hpaan Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 5:04 PM
Technological University ( Hpaan ) Technological University (Hpaan) is a university under the Ministry of Science and Technology. It is located in Hpaan township, Kayin State, Myanmar. The university was formerly opened as Government Technological College (GTC) and then it was promoted to University level. The university aims to promote the regional area in education, economic, health and living standard by providing...

Myitkyina Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 5:01 PM
Welcome to Technological University (Myitkyina)         Technological University (Myikyina) is situated 9300 feet far away from Myitkyina. Mandalay Union(Pyihtawng Su) highway, at Swe Aike Quarter, Panmatee village. The campus area is 150.52 acres. Formerly it was opened as Technical High School  (T.H.S) in Myitkyina, Kachin State with...

International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 4:51 PM
Donation of Computer to ITBM University        The Ceremony for the donation of Computers from...

Meikhtila Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 4:45 PM
Welcome to Technological University (Meikhtila)  Technological University (Meikhtila) is located in Meikhtila district, Mandalaydivision of Myanmar. It was formerly opened as Government Technological College (GTC) and was promoted to University level on 20th January 2007. The university aims is to promote the local region both in education and economic standard with...

Pakokku Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 4:41 PM
Welcome to Technological University ( Pakokku)  Technological University( Pakokku )   Technological University (Pakokku) was initially granted as a Government Technical Institute (G.T.I) status by the Ministry of Science and Technology on December 27, 1999. On January 20, 2002, it was promoted to a Government Technological College (G.T.C) and finally it was upgraded...

Myeik Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 4:37 PM
Welcome to Technological University (Myeik) Technological University (Myeik) is opened in  in Tanintharyi Division for learning advanced engineering techniques to youths in their respective regions  to construct a peaceful modern developed nation. It is situated on the side of the Yangon-Myeik road and about 100 acres wide, at the village of Kabin, the township...

Yangon Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 4:33 PM
Welcome to Yangon Technological University Yangon Technological University Historical Background  Yangon Technological University (YTU) began in 1924 as the Department of Engineering under the University of Rangoon (Yangon), offering a four-year degree course in Civil Engineering only. In 1927, the Department was moved to the B.O.C. College of Mining and Engineering and was upgraded to the Faculty of Engineering in 1947. Then, it...

Pathein Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 4:22 PM
Welcome to Technological University (Pathein)   Technological University (Pathein) is situated at the Apin-ne-se village which is in Pathein District, the Ayeyawady Division, Myanmar. It was opened on 27th December 1999. The area of Technological University (Pathein) is 27.43 arecas. Objectives Pathein Technological University was established with...

Pyay Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 4:12 PM
Welcome to Pyay Technological University About Us: PTU is one of the technological universities in Myanmar and is located in Pyay, Bago West Division. It is famous for educating undergraduate and graduate engineers. PTU's mission is to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who will play a leading role in the sustainable development of the region of the country....

Loikaw Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 4:04 PM
Welcome to TU (Loikaw)        It is situated in part 260, Pangan village group, in the east of Ywa Tan Shay village, Loikaw Township, Kayah state, Myanmar.  Its width is (87.46) acres. Brief History Technological High School        - 30.7.1982 Government Technological Institute    - 1.12.1998 Government...

Dawei Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 3:57 PM
Welcome to Technological University (Dawei)                  Technological University (Dawei) is opened in  in Tanintharyi Division for learning advanced engineering techniques to youths in their respective regions  to construct a peaceful modern developed nation. Technological...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Maubin Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 12:49 PM No comments
Welcome to TU(Maubin) Technological University (Maubin) is situated near Aung Heit village, Maubin Township, in Ayeyarwaddy Division. It is 50.14 areas wide. It was opened on 18th December, 2002. Objectives To produce the qualified  engineers who are very skillful at both theoritical and practical To train the students to become the perfect engineers who contribute to the various ministries To produce professional...

Magway Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 12:47 PM No comments
Welcome to Technological University (Magway)    Magway is the capital city of MaGway Division of Myanmar. It is located at the plains of Central Myanmar along the banks of the Vital AyeYarWady River of Myanmar. It is close to YeNanGyoung town where natural oil and gas flourish.      Technological University (Magwe) is located in Sittwe District, Rakhine State, Myanmar....

Taunggyi Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 12:43 PM No comments
Welcome to Technological Universisty (Taunggyi)              Technological University (Taunggyi) is situated in Ayetharyar Township,Taunggyi District, at the Southern Shan State. The area is 85.482 acres wide. This University is first based on Government Technical Institute(Ayetharyar), in August 1992. Then it was upgraded to Government Technological College...

Taungoo Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 12:40 PM No comments
Welcome to Technological Universisty (Taungoo)                 Technological University (Taungoo) is Situated at Kaytumadi; the Present Taungoo , in Bago Division .IT Jies 5 Furlongs For From No. 186/7 Mile marked stone in the east . It is surrounded by N0.513, Fartaung Field of an army unit in the east, Abayagamani street (Mahasi Street)...

University of Computer Studies, Yangon (UCSY)

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 12:38 PM No comments
University of Computer Studies, Yangon         In 1971, it was founded as UCC, the university Computer Center. In 1988, it was established as an Institute of Computer Science and Technology (ICST). On July 1, 1998, the Institute was changed to the University of Computer Studies, Yangon(UCSY).        The University of Computer Studies,Yangon (UCSY) is one of the higher institutions under the Ministry of Science...

Hinthada Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 12:36 PM No comments
Welcome to Technological University (Hinthada)  The History of Technological University (Hinthada)   Technological University (Hinthada) started as Technical High School (T.H.S) on the 1st August,1977. It was located in land block No.(202),Kayin Kyaung Street,south of Tar Ngar Sge Quater,Hinthada Township,Hinthada District,Ayeyarwady Division. The area was about 5.3462 acres. It was promoted to Government Technical Institute(G.T.I) on 20 Dec 1982. And then, it was again up to Government...

Kalay Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 12:33 PM No comments
Welcome to Technological University (Kalay) Technological University (Kalay) is situated on the west side of Kalay-Gangaw Road, near Tharyarwady Village, Htomar Village-track, in Kalay Township. It is about 5 miles from Kalay. It has an area of 48.12 arcas. Technological University (Kalay) was first established as the Government Technical Institute on 27th December 1999. It was upgraded to the Government Technological...

Kyaukse Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 12:28 PM No comments
Welcome to Technological University (Kyaukse)           Technological University (Kyaukse) locates on the Yangon-Mandalay Highway Road, Kyaukse Township, Mandalay Division with the area of  86.16 acre. It was formerly called Government Technological Institute which was open in 9th December 1998, promoted as Govermment Technological College in 10th January 2001, and now...

Monywa Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 12:23 PM No comments
Historical Background               Technological University (Monywa) is a university under the Ministry of Science and Technology. It was started in 13th July 1982 as a Technological High School ( T.H.S ). In 1st December 1986, the university was improved to the Government Technological Institite ( G.T.I ). Then, it was transformed to Government Technological...

Mandalay Technological University

Posted by mr.aungkyawsoe On 12:16 PM No comments
Welcome to Mandalay Technological University The Union of Myanmar understood that the progress of this nation depended crucially on research in science and engineering. It was convinced of the need for national level institute devoted to all branches of learning and their applications for the benefit of the nation. As a consequence, on 2nd February 1991, No.2 Industrial Training Centre, which was under Ministry of Industry...
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